Erasmus + Project Interprentice Full

What is the project about?

Against the background of pandemics and in times of digitalisation and the switch to online events, the project “Interprentice” deals with the question of how interdisciplinary, transnational distance learning placements and cooperations can look in a vocational education context. With the global pandemic at the latest, it is clear that job profiles are changing dramatically fast and a rapid shift towards a fully digital working world is taking place. The project wants to give trainees the opportunity to expand the quality of their training by coming into contact with the European idea and interculturality remotely during their training. This way, it is assumed, they will be more amenable to international cooperation and digital working later on.


The project will be divided in six main activities:

Phase 1 – Analysis of research results: TALENTBRÜCKE with BZB and IFC

Phase 2a – Multiplier Event in Germany: TALENTBRÜCKE with BZB

Phase 2b – Multiplier Event in Spain: TALENTBRÜCKE with IFC

Phase 2c – Multiplier Event in Italy: TALENTBRÜCKE with CFSE Arezzo

Phase 2d – Multiplier Events in Slovenia: TALENTBRÜCKE with SCC

Phase 3 – Concept development: IFC and all partners

Phase 4 – Pilot implementation: BZB and all partners

Phase 5 – Evaluation of the international remote working phase: IFC with BZB and TALENTBRÜCKE

Phase 6a – Multiplier event in Germany: TALENTBRÜCKE with BZB

Phase 6b – Multiplier event in Spain: TALENTBRÜCKE with IFC

Phase 6c – Multiplier event in Italy: TALENTBRÜCKE with CFSE Arezzo

Phase 6d – Multiplier event in Slovenia: TALENTBRÜCKE with SCC



What do we need?

“….compiles all the findings gained in the project in a suitable form. Besides a document, which will be available for download on the project page….one of the plans is to produce short (animated) videos to better address the target groups. These videos will be published f.e. via relevant social media platforms such as Instagram”

What do we have?

Social Media posting

Quotes- Campaign

Multiplier Events

Presentation at Events

Dissemination Excel Sheet

Concept for international remote trainee working groups

Interview Guide

Question #1

What have you found best or most exciting about working on the project so far?

Question #2

Which digital tools and programmes did you use? Which ones worked well and

what did you miss?

Question #3

What are the most important competences someone should have to work in

international remote working groups?

Question #4

What did you learn until now from meeting trainees from other countries?

Question #5

What were/are the biggest challenges in the joint project work and how did/do

you try to overcome them?

Question #6

How will the joint project work, with trainees from another country and field, have

a positive impact on your professional future?


Photogallery of the event:

Who are the partners and what is the duration?

Interprentice runs for 15 months under the direction of TALENTBRÜCKE GmbH & Co. KG and is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.  The project consortium consists of members from Germany, Spain, Italy and Slovenia.


Funded by the European Union.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.